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Helping to Build a Stronger Community
Childhood Vaccinations

A Practice nurse and 2 Health Visitors are in attendance to provide care, information and advice during our special clinic on Thursday afternoons.


There are 3 Health Visitors linked to the surgery who can provide information and advice at other times.


Please note they do not work directly from surgery premises but contact can be made via the surgery. 

Flu Vaccinations are available from late September onwards until end January if you: 
  • Are aged 65 years and over

  • Live in an old people's home or nursing home

Or if you have any of these problems (however old you are):

  • A chronic heart or chest complaint, including asthma

  • Chronic kidney disease

  • Diabetes

  • Lowered immunity due to disease or treatment such as steroid medication or cancer treatment.

  • Chronic liver disease

  • Chronic neurological disease – stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)

  • Or if you are a CARER - It is our policy to offer a flu vaccination and regular health checks each year to anyone who act as a “carer” for someone else.

Patients that do not fall into one of the above categories who would still like a vaccination should contact the surgery.

Travel Vaccinations

Our fully qualified and experienced travel health nurses and doctors offer a private consultation to provide advice and recommendations for your personal travel itinerary.

There may be a charge for some of these service as not all are available via the NHS.

Our “one stop” clinic includes:

  • A full immunisation service

  • Registered Yellow Fever

  • Vaccination Centre

  • Comprehensive information

  • Sheets to take away

  • Up to the minute information on local dishease hazards

  • Blood tests for antibody screening

  • Anti Malarial medication

  • A range of health related products

All at highly competitive rates in an easily accessible setting.

How to request Travel Advice

You can either:

Call 01325 528 000 to arrange a consultation, or make an online request for a consultation


The following links should give you the sort of reading material that will mean you are fully armed with good quality information.

Fit for Travel Information relevant to your destination so that you can  find out the vaccinations and medications you may need.






Foreign & Commonwealth Office travel advice - a definitive guide that will give you information ranging from travel advice by country to advice regarding risk from terrorism.

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